Data Privacy Day: Respecting Privacy, Safeguarding Data, and Enabling Trust

There is no better time than Jan. 28 to turn your attention to the importance of data privacy and all that it entails. During National Data Privacy Day, numerous businesses, nonprofit organizations, government entities, and individuals will come together to spread awareness about safeguarding data, protecting privacy, preventing information theft, and other issues that affect […]

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Windows 7: Under One Year Until Support Ends

Use Windows 7? Do you love your Windows 7? Will your need or desire to continue to use Windows 7 surpass this year? If so, you should be aware that in just under one year — January 14, 2020, specifically — Windows 7 Extended Support ends for most users. As such, there are things you […]

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Happy MacIntosh Computer Day

January 24th is Macintosh Computer Day. On this day we celebrate the innovation, skill and can-do spirit that shaped the future of computing. We recognize the history of Apple. Back in 1984, its creators with Steve Jobs at the helm introduced the first Macintosh computer, now known as Apple or Mac to the world would […]

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What Are the 3 Big Changes at Microsoft in 2019?

Ever since Microsoft incorporated as a company in April 1975, it has led the way in releasing innovative computing products for home and business users. From the release of its first operating system to the computer mouse to Microsoft Office, the company has always been one step ahead of the competition in changing the way […]

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Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Remembered mostly for his “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who fought to end segregation in this country. On this day, we remember someone who devoted their life to achieving racial equality. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Georgia in 1929. He graduated from high school at the […]

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Is Your Business Being Taken Care Of By A Professional Help Desk Team?

As much as people hope their business can run like a well-oiled machine, the truth is issues are inevitable. With businesses using an increasing number of technologically advanced tools, many issues experienced in the workplace have to do with the technology itself. If a system or tool fails or becomes inoperable, or an employee lacks […]

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FBI Warns Businesses Of Cyber Attack From China

Who Has Been Impacted by Chinese Cyber Attacks? At the beginning of the year, the FBI warned businesses to protect themselves from cyber attacks by foreign entities, saying activity has spiked in the past 18 months. Hewlett Packard and IBM are among the businesses most recently targeted. There’s a National Counter-Intelligence and Security Center that […]

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8 Amazing Tips To Take Awesome Photos With Your iPhone

Smartphone technology and the internet have made it possible for us to share ideas—and do business—with people all over the world. Learning to use the powerful tools we have at our fingertips more effectively is one of the most significant challenges of our time. Today’s consumers aren’t just looking for products—they are seeking mutually beneficial […]

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World Braille Day

On January 4th, 1809, Louis Braille was born. Louis Braille was a child who lost his vision in an incident involving a sharp tool at the age of 3. During his early life, Louis had an interest in “night writing”, a military code used by the French Army in the 1800s. This “night writing” was […]

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Should Your Business Upgrade It’s Website To WordPress 5.0.2

Only a few short weeks ago, we wrote about the introduction of WordPress 5.0 in early December and discussed whether or not your company should upgrade now, never or at a later date. Our recommendation was to wait until some of the bugs had been worked out of the system and until your business has […]

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The 2019 Cyber Security Guide For Financial Professionals

The securities industry has been as vulnerable to cyber attacks in 2018 as any other industry. According to the SEC’s Enforcement Division newly created Cyber Unit (formed in 2017 to enhance the ability of the Commission to identify and investigate all cyber-related threats to firms), 20 actionable cases were brought forward in fiscal year (FY) […]

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What Is The Microsoft 365 Freelance Toolkit

Companies today are increasingly relying on freelancers to support one-time or ongoing projects. The growing need for freelance support can create complex challenges for companies. How, for example, can companies manage projects across time zones? How can freelance and in-house staff access the same information and collaborate in real time? How can companies provide access […]

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