Google Ready to Roll Out Mobile-First Indexing

For many business owners, Google’s announcement to switch over to mobile-first indexing comes as a real shocker. It’s a revolutionary thing to do in a world of disruptive technology. Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, a company’s desktop website was their first and foremost consideration when developing a marketing plan. With the new […]

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Top 5 Business Challenges Facing Today’s Accounting Firms

Accounting, just like every other profession, is affected by our ever-changing world. The increase in technological advances alone can leave your head spinning.  Though technology endeavors to make work easier for everyone, it requires your full attention to keep up. However, technology is responsible for numerous positive changes in every field or industry. An accounting […]

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Best Email Apps For Small Business Owners Who Use iPhone

Communication is definitely made more accessible as a result of technology. Unlike previous years where people placed heavy reliance on letters and messengers, currently, people can communicate at the tap of a button. Communication is essential in any business. For people to know what is required of them in the business environment, for suppliers to […]

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Internet Security a Top Priority, Experts Claim

Experts in the tech world are giving their input on what is planned by state and local Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in terms of security for all of today’s technology. For so long, technology has existed and yet the public has taken its security for granted. But, sometime last year, giants of industry like Cisco […]

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View and Publish Microsoft Planner Tasks in the New Outlook

With everyone so busy these days, people are searching for new ways to get more done and Microsoft Planner is an excellent tool for that. It allows teams and individuals to collaborate on any project in real time. It has so many great features that can streamline projects, helping you to achieve deadlines while producing […]

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The What, The How, and The Why of Managed Threat Detection

Cybercriminals are getting more fearless by the day and their crimes are getting more and more sophisticated. Cybercrimes are costing businesses and organizations billions of dollars each year. This has spawned a new generation of cybercrime fighters who search for ways to end this threat once and for all. With each new attack, the crimes […]

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FBI Issues Warning

As you may be aware, the FBI issued a warning last week about a malware botnet called VPNFilter. This malware originated in Russia and attacks “consumer-grade” routers typically purchased from retailers such as Best Buy andor installed in homes by Internet Service Providers such as Spectrum, Time Warner, and Charter. The malware has not been […]

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Remember Why We Celebrate Memorial Day

When we think of Memorial Day, we have visions of parades, going to the beach, enjoying a picnic in the park, or gathering with family and friends for a barbeque. But, as most of us know, this is a special day to honor military members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Many of […]

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Technological Challenges Faced by Accounting Firms

Changes in technology come with a variety of challenges. First, there is the need to change and adapt to the new advancements. There are always financial costs associated with this process. The effects of technology are often widespread. Some people are concerned that new products and programs will put them out of work. The new […]

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Better Get Ready – The GDPR Goes Into Effect Today!

What Is It?  What Do We Need To Know?  What Should We Do? If you don’t know what the GDPR is, and if you’re not ready for it, you’re going to get caught short because this is a legal deadline and it’s coming up fast. The General Data Protection Regulation goes into effect May 25, […]

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