Why Businesses Need An Acceptable Use Policy

Does your business have an acceptable use policy regarding office use of the Internet? More importantly, is your acceptable use policy (AUP) enforced, or is it a document that’s only seen upon the point-of-hire? Learn exactly why your company needs an AUP, even if you are just a small company with a handful of employees. […]

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Microsoft’s SQL Server 2016 Is Available

The newest Microsoft database platform, known as SQL Server 2016, was recently released to the general public. The platform was previously available in the form of test versions used by beta testers, developers, and IT professionals. These techies have actually been using preliminary versions of the software for over a year. The new database platform’s […]

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Will Your Business Information Survive the Next Data Disaster?

A Business Continuity Planning Can Help Business continuity planning can help your organization survive and thrive during and after a disaster by keeping your information protected and your data secure. A comprehensive IT business continuity plan will ensure that your data is accessible anytime, anywhere—regardless of the incident—and you’ll avoid costly post-disaster recovery expenses from […]

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Protecting Your Company’s Intellectual Property From the Competition

Companies invest enormous amounts of time and financial resources developing technology, business strategies, and marketing campaigns to succeed amidst today’s fierce competition. In the vast majority of cases, the full value of these breakthroughs is realized only when they provide companies with a serious competitive edge, catching the competition unaware. Companies caught off guard by […]

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What Memorial Day is REALLY All About  

It’s easy to think of Memorial Day as a convenient day off in a busy calendar and the start of summer, but we suggest you take a step back and think a bit harder about it. Millions of men and women have put their lives on the line to defend our collective way of life. […]

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Good IT Security Means Stronger Client Relationships  

The relationship between a lawyer and their client is based on trust and confidence. Most clients assume their lawyers use the best cyber security available, and they believe their confidential information will never be lost or stolen. Law firms who work with a qualified, experienced IT management service can have rest assured they are doing […]

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How Offering Free WiFi Increases Your Bottom Line

WiFi has become so common that today’s customers expect it to be available. If it’s not, their impression is that your business is outdated and they may go elsewhere. However, if you’ve been on the fence about adding WiFi, you might be surprised to learn there are very good reasons to act now. WiFi increases […]

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Let’s Not Let Cyber Dangers Eat Our Young

Your 7th grader used the family computer this evening for homework. You are a diligent parent and take all the precautions you can to keep your child safe from predators, online bullies and hackers. The computer monitor is always in plain sight and you subscribe to a service that monitors your child’s online activity. During […]

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How business continuity can save your bottom line

Do you know that, aside from keeping your business afloat, business continuity can positively impact your business’s bottom line? Find out how. CLICK HERE. ✅ Boston HelpDesk - Managed IT Services Provider in Boston has partnered with Datto and disaster recovery expert, Donna R. Childs, on May 19th for a free webinar, 5 Ways Business Continuity Improves Your Business’s Profitability. You’ll learn: How business […]

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Bank Policies that Put Private Financial Data at Risk

Cyber attacks. They dominate many of the headlines and we read and hear about them almost daily. Many of us have been the targets of such attacks. Each day the stark reality of a data breach remains a sobering thought for businesses of all sizes. Government officials, the media and business leaders repeat that cyber […]

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What to Consider When Choosing a Business Laptop

There are myriad variables to consider when purchasing a new laptop, but unique factors come into play when shopping for business machines that don’t always present themselves in devices intended for home use. These technologies are ultimately an extension of the workforce, either hindering or helping them in their roles, so the value of ensuring […]

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