JavaScript Scam Around the Internet: What It Does & What to Look For

Most people have come to trust JavaScript as it is found all over the internet. Unfortunately, someone has taken advantage of that and has created a JavaScript scam that is making its rounds around the Internet and causing a lot of harm. The scam is being sent by email and it has essentially been tricking […]

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Heed Warning From Recent Ransomware Attacks and Protect Yourself

Ransomware is not a new concept to anyone, but it is becoming a more common occurrence and is a very real threat to anyone and everyone on the internet. Reports of ransomware victims are popping up everywhere, drawing attention to the fact that cyber criminals are more prominent than ever, and the public isn’t taking […]

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Office 365: A Hidden Gem You Should Be Using Right Now

Fully supported by Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), Office 365 is Microsoft’s most defended version of Office, implementing powerful threat modeling, analysis of attack surface and design essentials capable of identifying and subduing threats and vulnerabilities. Microsoft also updates SDL continuously using the latest data about “in the wilds” malware to ensure all software and […]

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Flimsy Bank Policies Put Your Financial Info at Risk

Many Americans put their money in the bank as a method of keeping it safe and secure. Most do not realize, though, that one policy employed by financial institutions which is meant to protect them could actually be putting their sensitive financial information at risk. In fact, according to the Cyber Forensic Research and Education […]

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Apple or PC for Law Offices?

Windows long dominated as a popular operating system for law firms. Yet, as Mac gained in market share over the decades, an increasing number of law firms have switched from a PC to a Mac for their practices. For much of the time, the assumption was that Windows was superior for a business environment for […]

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Tricks to Use to Protect Your Computer From Vulnerabilities in QuickTime

There are at least two known vulnerabilities in QuickTime for Windows. While this is not the first time vulnerabilities have been found in this video playing program, it is the first time that Apple will not be patching them. Apple’s support for QuickTime for Windows ended in January of this year, though they did not […]

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How to Uninstall Quicktime, and Why You Should Do it Now

Word is going out among the business community that Windows users should uninstall QuickTime for Windows as soon as possible. Why is this important? After all, QuickTime is an old and trusted program. The two important reasons to uninstall QuickTime from Windows computers are: Apple is no longer going to issue security updates for QuickTime […]

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Security and the Future of Professional Collaboration

Software for collaborative work known as “groupware” has existed in some form since the first computer networks connected American researchers on opposite coasts in the 1970s. Security wasn’t an issue in those days but it certainly has become one today. Security is the largest obstacle to adoption of groupware technologies in professional fields with sensitive […]

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What Is Ransomware and What Do the Latest Evolutions Mean for Businesses?

A disturbing new trend is emerging in the world of cyber attacks on businesses, and it could mean bad news for organizations across the board. In the past, companies may have been hacked and had data compromised or stolen. Or, perhaps their networks were infiltrated by a virus, and data loss and system downtime temporarily […]

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Are You Vulnerable?

Two Malicious Web Campaigns You Should Know About A sophisticated, malicious attack tool called Angler is an exploit kit redirecting users to landing pages hosting the Angler EK. Scanning browsers for vulnerabilities in plug-ins such as the Adobe Flash plug-in, Angler EK infects computers with a variety of malware, including Trojans and even ransomware, a […]

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Top 10 Tips for Better Cyber Security

Data security is not just important to big data firms, it’s important to everyone. Every day, hackers, cyber thieves, and cyber terrorists are looking for easy targets- and all too often- those targets are innocent and hard working people like you. Here are the top 10 most important ways you can secure your data and […]

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Beware of Ransomware Cloaked in Funky-looking E-mail

Nowadays both at home and at work, everyone is pretty much joined at the hip with an email account. Marketers, junk mailers, and spammers clog our in boxes to where, according to one USA Today article, people can spend nearly 30 percent of each work week just managing and triaging their email. With so much […]

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