How to Avoid Becoming a Ransomware Victim

Without a doubt, ransomware attacks have become far more common in the past few years. In fact, cyber attacks as a whole have become quite commonplace. It seems that almost every day new forms of ransomware are discovered. Unfortunately, experts predict that the problem of malware is not going away any time soon. Therefore, computer […]

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Why All The Fuss Over Computer Backups?

Most people rely on computers for many varied tasks. A business owner may use their computer to communicate with clients, send emails to employees and advertise their business. Many private individuals use their computers to stay in touch with friends and family via personal webpages on social media networks and highly private email communications. A […]

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Cloud Security is Essential for Your Small Business. Protect it with a vCIO.  

Internet security has long been a vital aspect not only for individuals, but at the office as well. For growing small businesses, the need to protect assets through Internet security helps prevent malware and other fishing software from obtaining valuable information, not only on the business, but on employees as well. As technology has improved […]

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Getting the Edge with Technology

Ask most lawyers why they chose their profession, and you’re likely to hear a variety of reasons: Some because of others’ expectations, some because they wanted to help people, some because they saw it as a tool to become more involved with government, some because they simply found the law fascinating. Whatever the reason, many […]

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Why Small Businesses Need to Take Cyber Threats Seriously

The Internet is an essential tool for small businesses. It enables business owners to efficiently manage their companies and market their brands to the public. But no matter how you plan on using the Internet, cybersecurity needs to be a part of your business plan. Many small-business owners think that their businesses are too small […]

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Is The IRS’ “Get Transcripts” Option a Gateway to Fraud?

Tax season is upon us and that can cause some serious concerns. There has been a weakness found within the IRS’ website, specifically with their “Get Transcripts” option. Cybercriminals have found a way to infiltrate the option and steal victims’ prior tax data. When the crooks request Get Transcripts, it opens a gateway for refund […]

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Healthcare Leadership Council Convened to Improve Healthcare

The Healthcare Leadership Council met and developed six recommendations that should be implemented to improve the healthcare system in America. The HLC shared their recommendations during a Capitol Hill briefing. The recommended changes include: Setting December 31, 2018 as the deadline for nationwide health information interoperability. The various medical agencies should be able to easily […]

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Apple’s iPhone Trade-in Program Just Got a Little Sweeter

Apple’s new trade-in program might just help cut-down costs for those who have bad luck keeping their iPhones in perfect condition. They are hoping to achieve an increase in sales by allowing iPhone users to trade in their damaged iPhones (5s and up) for an upgrade rather than a standard screen repair. Apple has stated […]

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Hacking Results In Billions Of Dollars In Damage Every Year

Can You Afford To Settle For Inadequate Security? This September, Cybersecurity Ventures released their Cybersecurity Market Report that detailed the vast monetary damage caused by hacking every year.  Taking into account data from noteworthy reports, research by security and IT analysts, and emerging trends in employment, IPOs, and M&A deals, the report made it clear that digital […]

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