Banking Malware Dridex Has Amped Up Their Capabilities…Again.

If you’re like me, you’re probably getting pretty sick of hackers, or as I like to call them criminals, using their technology skills to find new and dubious ways of making our lives exponentially more difficult. The banking malware Dridex is currently at the top of my list of malware that infuriates me. Why? Because […]

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How To Get More People To Find Your Website

Keep Your Company in Google’s Top Search by Adapting HTTPS It’s time to start concentrating on your company’s website security. Google is now prioritizing HTTPS as a ranking signal and if your website still contains HTTP, you’re prone to get over looked. Security is a top priority. Google is working on making the web a […]

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Compliance Does Not Equal Security

As companies are making efforts to obtain Level 1 PCI compliance, they are required to provide overwhelming amounts of evidence to a third-party assessor, specifically qualified for the job. Other levels of PCI can be achieved by merely completing a self-assessment questionnaire, as well as passing quarterly security scans. Level 1 is not so easily […]

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Is YOUR Business At Risk Because Of A Single Overlooked Security Issue?

There’s a lot to consider when it comes to securing your business’ Information Technology. Network, email, backups and more present vulnerabilities in your business that could easily be exploited by cybercriminals. Even something as seemingly minor as outdated hardware can present a serious threat to your data’s integrity. Assessment professionals TechCheck recently released a report […]

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Look Out! Cyber Terrorism Has A New Weapon!

A majority of hackers worldwide have adopted one of the most dangerous attack techniques known to date in the world of cyber security – spear phishing! Did you know that spear phishing is the attack method used in 91% of cyber-attacks? Spear phishing attacks differ from the more common phishing attack by targeting a subset […]

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Surface: The Answer To Your Mobility Needs!

Introducing Microsoft’s Surface Book and Surface 4 Pro, the tablet that gives you greater mobility – and lower costs of course! How can Microsoft’s Surface Book or Surface 4 Pro be beneficial for your business you ask? Our team of professional experts is here to provide you with some current information about both Surface models […]

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FBI Warns of Targeted Email Scams On the Rise

Targeted email scams are on the rise, with attackers using email to fool victims into sending money to the cybercriminals by acting as a familiar source, such as a client, vendor or anyone else that it may seem normal to send payment to via wire transfer.  These attacks have been dubbed by the FBI as […]

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Ignoring Your Most Valuable Business Resource?

Two Words That Will Positively Change The Outcome Of Your Business. Business Advisory Board. Well, technically that is three words. However, these three words can dramatically change the outcome of your business, for the better. Ready to find out how these three words will make you wonder why you have been ignoring the most valuable […]

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How to Guarantee Your Business Avoids IT Security Incidents in 2016

No organization is exempt from targeted attacks or IT security incidents – small businesses, large corporations, healthcare practices, vet clinics, retail stores, and the list goes on. According to a survey from Spiceworks, 80% of organizations experienced an IT security incident in 2015. But what’s really worth noting is that 71% of IT professionals expect […]

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The Hidden Secret to Creating a Strong Master Password

For over 5 decades, passwords have been used to validate access and secure data. In this digital age, most of our digital interactions are still dependent on passwords that we set for various accounts. It’s a well-known fact that IT Security experts would not recommend using the same password for multiple accounts, yet statistics indicate […]

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What You Need to Know to Protect Against Cybercrime

Since passwords were used in the 1960s to authenticate users, it had been a constant struggle to secure the database by limiting access to authorized personnel. The complicated past of password use had taught us that passwords and keys may be susceptible to hacking, but it’s a necessary operation to limit access at the user […]

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New DOD Cyber Rules Could Cause Added Expense for Small Businesses

Many small business advocates feel that the recent contracting rule by the Department of Defense may put small government contractors at a great disadvantage. This is due to the new multifactor identification requirements that will be placed on contractor-owned systems that use certain Defense Department Information, as well as imposing certain reporting requirements in the […]

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