6 Quick Tips to Help Retain Clients

It can be difficult to attract new clients. No matter how much you lower your prices or improve the quality of your services, competitors in town always seem to be able to do the same. How can you stand out from the competition? It’s hard enough just to stand out; to make those branding efforts […]

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Your fingerprints could be stolen just by swiping on your smartphone!

Are cybercriminals getting their dirty paws on your fingerprints? It sounds like a crazy idea, but experts are reporting that a recently discovered flaw on the Galaxy S5 makes it possible. Now, there’s no need to throw out your phone just yet. The chances of your fingerprints having been stolen are incredibly low – in […]

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4 Revolutionary Behavioral Email Marketing Ideas

Email marketing is tough. We know it often feels like an uphill battle; you’re sending mass emails hoping that even a small percentage of recipients will open them. If you’ve been looking for ways to make your email marketing more effective and engaging, well, you’re in luck. Instead of targeting uninterested people and begging them […]

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Forgotten Your Shortcut Keys? 

Thanks to Karen Turner from Turner Efficiency for sharing these shortcut tips with us. Reducing keystrokes with shortcut keys will save seconds that add up to minutes. Computer Control Ctrl Esc = shows the start menu Ctrl Alt Delete = interrupts the process Ctrl Shift = French keyboard F5 = refreshes the screen Typing Ctrl […]

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8 Apps That Will Make Your Life a Lot Easier

Apps on your iPhone or Android aren’t just great for business – there are a ton of useful apps that help out with day-to-day tasks, make management easier, or provide services you never thought were possible with a phone. So what are the newest and most exciting apps that you need to try out? Take […]

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The Top 5 Security Threats You Need to Pay Attention to in 2015

Are you feeling lost when it comes to protecting yourself against new emerging threats? 2014 was stained by high-profile data breaches, ending with the bizarre and damaging hack of Sony Pictures. You know your business needs to protect itself, but what exactly should you be looking out for? We’ve broken down the biggest security threats […]

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New Urgent Patch for Windows Critical Vulnerability

Are you keeping up with critical system updates to ensure your business stays protected? Microsoft has released a patch for a critical vulnerability in the Windows HTTP protocol stack. Known as HTTP.sys, it could have disastrous consequences once it’s publicly exploited. The latest bulletin features four critical updates issued by Microsoft. They warn that exploiting […]

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New Facebook Marketing Tips – Get More Eyes on Your Content!

Know this – you’re not the only one feeling challenged by Facebook marketing these days. It can be incredibly hard for brands to really make an impact when news feeds are increasingly crowded. Some reports even say that brands are bypassing Facebook altogether, opting to post more content on Instagram. But don’t give up just […]

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Cloud Data Security: Protect Your Data and Your Identity At All Costs 

This is the future. Cloud computing is incredibly convenient and has a ton of potential advantages when you use it.  You can access information stored on the cloud from anywhere you have an Internet connection and so can your friends and family.  Simple as that – no more having to remember to carry around flash […]

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Facebook is Tracking Your Every Move! How You Can Put a Stop To It

Is Facebook Following You Around The Internet? You may have noticed that you’re being followed – you look at a product once online and then that same product or similar ones pop up in ads on every other site you visit. That’s not a coincidence. You’re being tracked, and most of the times many people […]

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5 Secrets to Writing Effective Marketing & Sales Headlines

Headlines are like first impressions – you don’t get a second chance to improve on that initial encounter. And if your headline fails to resonate with the viewer and compel them to read the content that follows, they are lost forever. The goal of every headline is to convince the viewer that they need to […]

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